#4 – All Creation is a Silent Witness
The Psalms (36:5-6; 90:2; 104:1-35; 114:4,6; 148:1-14) and Job Chapter 38 (see also Job 12:9-10) rehearse the wonders of God’s creation that remind us of His handiwork, whether in mountains, animals, insects, trees, flowers, rain or snow. They all “speak” about their Creator. We are surrounded with divinely-designed object lessons:
- Great mountains show us God’s enduring judgment and righteousness
- The lilies of the field and tiny birds demonstrate His care for the smallest details of life
- The complexity of the human body illustrates God’s purpose and marvelous workmanship
- The simple but unique, life-giving qualities of water speak of God’s sustaining care
- The unending variety of clouds in the sky are examples of His infinite wisdom
The invisible witness of creation speaks in a language that God designed especially to draw every human being who ever lived to Himself. Unregenerated mankind cannot honestly claim that God does not exist or that His hand in the world cannot be known. (Romans 1:20-21) God uses unique, and sometimes dramatic, characteristics of mountains, animals, trees, flowers, clouds, and the human body, to grab an individual's attention. If the individual responds then God gives him more truth of who He is. God’s desire is for all mankind to agree with the most basic truths of creation and to want more. Mankind’s hunger for more truth about the Creator will result in revelation of more spiritual truth.
Another daily witness is the providential cycle created by God to nourish and energize our bodies.[1] The wonderful self-sustaining cycle of life begins with the sun’s energy which plants miraculously combine with water and the earth’s minerals to reproduce and give edible fruit. Our human bodies are “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14) so the same plants and their fruit are used in a complex metabolic system for the life-giving energy to sustain life. God created this providential cycle as a witness to His loving care for all mankind. The simple act of eating a meal should remind us of our dependency on Him.
Those who are born-again children of God are moved by the witness of creation to give glory to the beauty, majesty, and love of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is Creator and Sustainer (Colossians 1:16-17; John 1:3; Hebrews 1:2) of all we need in this physical life. His daily provision now is but a foretaste of the “pure river of water of life” and fruit of the “tree of life” that will nourish us for all eternity in His presence. (Revelation 22:1-2)
Take time each day to “see” and “listen” to God’s silent witnesses that surround us. They are a persistent witness pointing to our loving God!
[1] Johnson, J.J.S., Our Daily Bread: How Food Proves God’s Providence, Acts & Facts, 40 (4):8-9, April 2011, Institute for Creation Research↩